Alex Bastani 

6 feet   265 pounds         Hair: Brown   Eyes: Brown   

(C) 571-461-7239     


“Two Gentlemen of Verona.”         Launce                                       St Mark’s Players             

“Fifty Million Tons”                       Peter                                            Capital City Players  

“A Thousand Years of Rome”        Marius    McLean Drama Company 

“Death by Chocolate”                 John Stone                                    Chevy Chase Players             

“The Tempest”                            Stephano                                       Chevy Chase Players             

“Goodnight Desdemona.”             Iago/Juliet’s Nurse/Servant                Foundry Players 

“Fahrenheit 451”                              Captain Beatty                               Tapestry Theatre     

“To Kill a Mockingbird”                  Heck Tate                                      Tapestry Theatre    

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”       Francis Flute                                 Tapestry Theatre    

 “Sonny DeRee's Life”                  Sonny DeRee                          Actors’ Center Showcase  

“The Bride Was in Stitches”     Percy Shelley/Police Chief        Actors’ Center Fundraiser            

“The Student Prince”                          Johann Lutz                           Mount Vernon Players   

“On Borrowed Time”                   Mr. Grimes/Sheriff                      Mount Vernon Players 

 “Equus”                                        Horseman/Nugget         The Heritage Theatre Company        

“Joey and Maria’s Comedy Wedding”    Carmine Cannoli (Emcee)   Dillstar Productions 

“The Bea and the Bug Meet Really Cool People”    Bungle Bug           E & E Productions 

“The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe”                 Mr. Beaver                 Foundry Players 

“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”                Van Tassel                            Adventure Theater  

 “Richard the III”                             Murderer/Blunt/Cardinal           The Arlington Players                   

“Much Ado About Nothing”                Messenger/Watch                       Cedar Lane Stage   

“For the Time Being”                        Milo Tucker (U/S)           Enlightenment Productions 

“Pal Joey”                                         Commissioner O’Brien/Ernest        St Mark’s Players             

“Why 2 Kill.”                       Rene Rhodes    Blair Mansion Murder Mysteries Productions   

“Who Wants to Murder a Millionaire?”       Walt Freemason                       Blair Mansion  



“Yes, And…”                                  Samir (Principal)                                                      Redamedia                   

“Psychic Detectives: Little Boy Lost”   Robert Caules (Lead)  Story House Productions-Court TV  

“Track Star Superhero: PSA”                  Asthma Man (Lead)                         Will Rogers Institute 

“Sun God”                                  Angus (Principal)     American University Graduate Student Film 

“Now I Lay Me Down”       Dad (Featured)                American University Graduate Student Film 

“MacBeth”                                        Banquo                                     Nejako and Rowe Productions   



Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory - Voice I & II; Movement; Alexander Technique; Classical Voice & Movement; Musical Theatre; Principles of Realism; Stage Combat   

Shakespeare Theatre Master Acting Classes - Stage Combat; Comedy; Dialects; Characterization; Text Workshop; Shakespeare I; Shakespeare in Performance –Cymbeline (Iachimo) w Paparelli 

The Complete Sanford Meisner Technique- Four year training program w Epstein 

The Center – Neutral Mask, Clowning, Larva Mask, Buffon and Devising Shakespeare